What happens if I want to open or close my guppy in an area with no coverage?

Are you in a parking or an area with no coverage?

No problem!
The guppy app connects directly to the vehicle using Bluetooth.

Step-by-step guide:

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If the app asks you to activate permissions to use Bluetooth, you need to grant them because it means that the coverage is insufficient to open/close through the server/Internet.

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It is important that you have Bluetooth activated in your mobile settings.

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Is it already activated? Great!
To ensure everything works smoothly, make sure you are close to your guppy vehicle close enough to touch the guppy door with your hand.

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Recommendation: Be patient.
It is not advisable to give confusing commands to the app by repeatedly opening and closing.

Still not working?

If after setting this up we are not successful, the way to force the use of Bluetooth is:

  • 1. Completely close the guppy app (including in the background).
  • 2. Place yourself as close as possible to the vehicle.
  • 3. Open the guppy app again.
  • 4. Go to the "On route" screen.
  • 5. Put your phone in airplane mode.
  • 6. Activate Bluetooth.
  • 7. Return to the guppy app.
  • 8. Slide the key to open or close.
  • 9. Wait patiently.

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Still having issues?
Call our customer service at 649 210 756 and we will be happy to help you.