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How guppy car rental works: rates and promotions

Updated on May 12, 2023


If you’re already a guppy user, you surely know how our car rental service works, or at least you have an idea.

For those who still have doubts, we have prepared the following article. We will talk about our rates, prepaid vouchers, and our Daily Maximum promotion. Do you know what it consists of and how to activate it?

Keep reading and discover the different options and rates we offer users to help them save on their trips.

Guppy Rates: How Car Rentals Work

At guppy, we want you to use our vehicles to get around the city without worrying about the time you spend behind the wheel. For this reason, and unlike other carsharing companies, guppy users pay based on the kilometers traveled.

For the first 10 kilometers, the rate per kilometer starts at 1 euro. For the remaining kilometers, the rate starts at 0.50 euros/kilometer. Therefore, for a daily trip of 5 or more kilometers, guppy becomes a quite competitive option in terms of price.

In addition to this, there is a charge for the minutes the car is in wait or stand-by mode; that is, when you are using the car but not driving it.

Imagine you need to stop somewhere before heading to work or university. Thanks to the stand-by option, the car will be waiting for you upon your return. The cost is from 0.05 euros/minute.

Once the trip is completed in a guppy zone, the total amount will be charged to your card.

Prepaid Discount Vouchers

To help our customers save, guppy has created prepaid discount vouchers, which can offer up to a 50% discount on trips. The larger the voucher, the more free euros will be added to the user’s balance.

Since it is a prepaid service, the user must pay for the voucher before using it. Once the voucher is purchased, the balance will be reflected in the Balance section of My Profile in the app.

There are different vouchers to choose from: Savings Voucher 10, Savings Voucher 30, Savings Voucher 50, and Savings Voucher 100.

How do they work? For example, with the Savings Voucher 100, the user pays 100 euros and we add a bonus of 50 euros, so in the end, the user receives 150 euros of balance, which will be reflected in their account.

Promotion: Daily Maximum

If you plan to use one of our vehicles for an entire day, you can benefit from our Daily Maximum rate, which has been available for a few months now. This rate ensures that you can move around with peace of mind, knowing that you will never pay more than the daily maximum amount, regardless of your activities. The rate is applied automatically, so there’s no need to activate it beforehand.

Thanks to this promotion, once you reach the daily maximum amount, you can continue using our service freely for the next 24 hours without incurring additional charges.

The Daily Maximum rate is now compatible with your balance, meaning you can pay using the money accumulated in your balance section. If you don’t have a guppy balance, the amount will be billed directly to the card associated with your guppy account.


Our commitment to urban mobility has led us to prepare various solutions for our customers. Choose the best option whether you need to make occasional or frequent trips.